• Structure and process of software testing



    There is a lot of fundamental testing base: there is information about what checks are and what they

    are, when it is better to use checklists, when test cases, and when both types cannot be dispensed with.

    But all this does not answer the question: how to write correctly in order to get the most out of checks?



    The new approach helped us solve problems with project management both by different people and

    teamwork in one project. We were able to speed up the review of checks, make updating checks and

    onboarding into the project more convenient and understandable. Provided transparency in work and

    confidence in the quality of the application.


    Benefit of own structure of checks

    A very important testing tool is test cases and checklists (hereinafter referred to as checks) that cover

    the application. Without them, it is impossible to maintain the quality at the required level.

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